“Children are to be taught to magnify the Lord; they ought to be well informed as to his wonderful doings in ages past, and should be made to know his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done. The best education is education in the best things. The first lesson for a child should be concerning his mother’s God. Teach him what you will, if he learn not the fear of the Lord, he will perish for lack of knowledge. Grammar is poor food for the soul if it be not flavoured with grace.”
-Charles Spurgeon
Who we are
We are a parent-led Christian homeschool co-op that focuses primarily on providing middle and high-school science labs, writing courses, and electives. Because we know families have a range of ages, we also offer nursery and classes for elementary students.
When do we meet?
We meet on Monday mornings from 9:15 AM Eastern to 12:30 PM. Our co-op year is from August to April (with some breaks, of course!)
Where do we meet?
We meet together in the Downtown Spartanburg area of South Carolina.
HIS Co-op student